We will process your application for an EIN/Tax ID number (SS-4 Form) and deliver it to you quickly and securely via email. Our EIN form has been simplified for your ease of use, accuracy and understanding, saving you time. We guarantee you will receive your EIN within 1-3 business days. Same day and 4 hour service options also available.
© 2024 EIN Applications. All rights reserved. 2241 North Monroe Street, #1006, Tallahassee, FL 32303
This website is a document preparation and filing service that acts, on your behalf, as your assigned Third Party Designee in obtaining Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) directly from the IRS. We do not provide legal, financial or other professional advice. We are not a law or an accountancy firm nor are we affiliated with either. We are not affiliated with the Internal Revenue Service, US Department of Treasury or any other federal or state organizations. Users of this site may also visit the irs.gov website if they wish to complete an EIN number application free of charge on their own, however they are not eligible for assistance or our simplified application process.