EIN Application

Frequently Asked Questions

A Federal Tax ID Number, also known as an EIN, TIN, or FEIN, is comparable to a Social Security Number (SSN) as it serves the Internal Revenue Service for tax identification purposes. This unique 9-digit number is issued in the format XX-XXXXXXX. Unlike Social Security Numbers, EINs do not expire, and for a Sole Proprietor, it is a one-time issuance. All business entities, such as LLCs, Corporations, Partnerships, S-Corporations, Nonprofit Organizations, etc., must obtain an EIN to engage in business activities. Once assigned by the IRS, the EIN becomes the permanent Federal Tax ID Number for that specific entity.

Individuals with a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) are eligible to apply for a Tax ID. If you do not possess a SSN or ITIN, it is necessary to obtain one before initiating the application process for a Tax ID Number.

There are various reasons why obtaining an EIN (Tax ID) Number may be necessary, with the most common purposes being: initiating a new business, opening a bank account, hiring employees, safeguarding personal identity, filing federal income taxes, obtaining a business license, and ensuring compliance with IRS regulations.

If you have been assigned an EIN in the past but cannot recall it, our assistance can help you retrieve the EIN and obtain the official verification letter from the IRS.

There is no distinction between an EIN (Employer Identification Number) and a Tax ID Number. However, it’s crucial to note that there is another identifier known as a State Tax ID Number. This should not be confused with the Federal Tax ID Number or EIN, as it pertains specifically to state-level taxation.

If your EIN Number has not been delivered yet, feel free to reach out to us via email or chat at any time, and we will promptly issue a full refund without any questions asked.

No, we are not affiliated with the IRS, US Department of Treasury, or any other federal or state organization. We operate as a document filing company and serve as your Third-Party Designee, assisting in obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) directly from the IRS on your behalf. Alternatively, you can visit the irs.gov site to complete an EIN application independently.